Are You Positive? Page 37
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None of the three say a word on the ride back to Kate’s. Sarah feels like she wants to apologize for dragging the other two into a world so depressing, especially on an evening that was supposed to be full of fun. But she also recognizes that Gwen and Kate are grown women capable of making their own decisions, and they could have left at any time. Fact is, not one person walked out of the presentation until Celia finally brought it to a close.
Besides, Sarah is glad that her friends had the chance to see how perverted this HIV/AIDS issue had become. Maybe it’s time more women watch Guinea Pig Kids; maybe it’s the mothers of this world who have to take the lead to stand up against such atrocities; maybe they’re the ones needed to provide the spark that will finally light up the sky and expose this tragedy for the crime it really is.